Martina Steinkühler / Anne Fröhlke

The Story of the Good King

The Lord’s Prayer

Many children are not familiar with the Lord’s Prayer, or they recite the words but don’t understand what they mean. This picture book tells the story of God the good king in an entirely new way – and very simply.

This makes it easy for readers young and old to find a way to understand this central prayer of the Christian faith. The illustrations are especially helpful — funny, sometimes humorous, always lovingly crafted and detailed —in transporting picture book readers into an entirely new realm, into the realm of the good Father.

  • the central Christian prayer explained for children in an easily understandable way
  • helpful in families, communities and daycare facilities

ISBN: 978-3-8436-0671-4
24 pages
4-color throughout
Format 24 x 22 cm
EUR 12.99

The Authors

© Jürgen Deuster

Martina Steinkühler

Dr. Martina Steinkühler was born in 1961. She studied Protestant theology and ancient languages, then worked as a teacher and in the editorial department of a church newspaper. Since 2000 she has been an editor in the field of religious education. In addition, she has written numerous books for parents and children.

© Privat

Anne Fröhlke