Eva Mutscher

Konrad in the Land of Seven States of Mind

A Story of Setting Off and Arriving

Konrad sets off on a quest: to find a special state of mind so that he can succeed in living his dream. In the Land of Seven States of Mind, he discovers the Fortress of Arrogance. He encounters haughtiness and fickleness. But state of mind also has something to do with a person's disposition. And his long-forgotten courage suddenly reappears. This is a poetic tale about setting off and arriving – about contentment and happiness.

  • Imaginative and worldly-wise narration
  • Wonderfully illustrated

ISBN: 978-3-86917-837-0
48 pages
Format 12 x 19 cm
EUR 10.00

The Author

© Privat

Eva Mutscher

Eva Mutscher has a craft business together with her husband. She loves to give the readers of her fairytales and stories a new point of view.