Maria Hagenschneider

Enough Is Enough!

Women in the Catholic Church Stand Up

The abuse and cover-up scandal has shaken the Catholic Church to its foundations. It has become clear that the causes for this are not only in the personal transgressions of individuals but that there are structures encouraging this abuse of power. The Synodal Path is intended to change something about this. As applies to thousands of committed women, this much is clear for Maria Hagenschneider: A renewal can only succeed when women in the Church are given their rightful place. They can no longer be fobbed off with theological formulas. For many women from the middle of church life, this question arises: Will I finally be taken seriously or will I leave? The future of the Church depends on this.

  • A polemic paper – spiritual and passionate
  • Experiences, information and pleas
  • Thoughts on Mary 2.0 and the Synodal Path dialogue process

ISBN: 978-3-8436-1224-1
Softcover with flaps
128 pages
Format 12 x 19 cm
EUR 15.00

The Author

© Privat

Maria Hagenschneider

Maria Hagenschneider worked as religious education teacher in parishes and schools. The curative teacher was among other things head of an early intervention center and lecturer for intercultural competence. She lives in Hamm.