Eugen Drewermann / Martin Freytag

The Mystery of Jesus of Nazareth

Eugen Drewermann Answers Young People’s Questions

»How must we imagine a crucifixion 2000 years ago?« »Isn’t the ‘Sermon on the Mount’ a hopelessly excessive demand that just a few super-pious people can comply with at best?« »If Jesus would look at today’s church, what would he say to it?«

The questions that Eugen Drewermann answers in this book have been asked by students in religion class. Their teacher, Martin Freytag, has collected the young people’s questions and problem horizons and interviewed the well-known author on their behalf. They range from Jesus’ childhood to his work and his death on the cross. The mystery of Jesus of Nazareth is revealed... – For adolescents in the 10th grade and above –

  • Written especially for young people
  • Can be read as a whole in class

ISBN: 978-3-8436-1080-3
144 pages
Format 14 x 22 cm
EUR 12.00

The Authors

© Thomas Fritsch

Eugen Drewermann

Eugen Drewermann, born in 1940, has a doctorate in theology. When he was suspended from the priesthood and the teaching profession, he began a career as a psychotherapist and writer. To date he has written more than eighty books and his works have been translated into more than a dozen languages.

© Privat

Martin Freytag

Martin Freytag is a teacher for Catholic religion and German at the secondary school Gymnasium Remigianum in Borken (Münsterland, Germany).