Kerstin Friedrich

No Sport Also Isn't a Solution

The Ultimate Motivation Programme for Couch Potatoes

All of us "actually" want to do more sport, feel more fit and have a healthier life. But we are often too comfortable in real life: The sofa and our favourite TV shows tempt us and there are just thousands of excuses. Unfortunately, this situation doesn't improve as we get older! Psychologist and coaching expert Kerstin Friedrich has written an entertaining and scientifically sound book on healthy ageing through exercise and sport. Through targeted motivation and a systematic approach, practically anyone can succeed in escaping the TV armchair and finding lasting joy in exercise. Kerstin Friedrich is a real couch potato herself. She only got into sport at age 60 as a result of a bet and has stuck with it. Since then, she has become passionate about triathlon and gravel biking.

  • Trendy topic of "sport knows no age"
  • Entertaining and scientifically sound
  • Illustrated and high-quality finish

ISBN 978-3-8436-1321-7
200 pages
Format 16.4 x 19.5 cm
EUR 20.00

The Author

© Simon Heydorn

Kerstin Friedrich

Kerstin Friedrichis a psychologist with a doctorate in economics, as well as a coach for management teams. She was a senior editor at the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung GmbH's Informationsdienste and editor in the journalistic department of the German Economic Institute (Cologne).  She is the author of several long-sellers on the topic of business success. The mother of two adult children lives near the city of Bremen, Germany.