Claudia Duwe

Trusting the Future Again

Mastering Losses with the Strength of a Lion

"Lion Times" is what Claudia Duwe calls the crisis phases in which we suffered from losses and the rug is pulled out from under our feet. But Lion Times are also the times in which the lion appears from the depths of our soul as a mentor and power animal – as a strong inner force and symbol of our own centre. It accompanies us on the lion's journey in three stages: 1. Facing pain in the lion's den, 2. Taking time out for healing in the lion's rest and 3. Daring to reorient ourselves with the lion's strengths. Many active exercises that are easy to do make it possible for readers to embark on their own lion's journey to transform pain and find their way back to inner clarity. This book encourages people and awakens their lion powers.

  • Guidance for gathering strength in times of crisis
  • For inner clarity and new perspectives
  • With many concrete exercises

ISBN 978-3-8436-1295-1
Softcover with flaps
144 pages
Format 16.4 x 19.5 cm
EUR 18.00

The Author

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Claudia Duwe

Dr. Claudia Duweholds a doctorate in media studies. She is an author and coach. After her doctorate and many years of professional practice in journalism/PR at universities and research institutes, she completed two comprehensive trainings in coaching.