The Church Listens to the People
A Pastoral Theology from Below
Case studies are listening to people in a scientifically organised way. This book includes five such case studies, which could be helpful in the day-to-day operations of the Church: on the satisfaction with Pope Francis, the role of the Church as an oasis of diffusing trust in cultures of fear and the Church as a home. In addition, the people provide information about views on marriage and family, child abuse and structural reforms in the Church. The data on young people's use of cell phones and their images of love is endearing. The people who participated in the survey are affected by these issues. Many of them try to connect the Gospel with their everyday life. An "implicit" pastoral theology emerges in the process. To uphold it is the task of the academic discipline. This ensures that the Church's actions do not lose contact with those affected by them.
- Synodality requires listening