Hildegund Keul

Being Vulnerable

Vulnerability and the Preciousness of Life

Being vulnerable is really not always a pleasant state. At the same time, vulnerability offers people the opportunity to be approachable and empathetic, to give others their attention and to act in solidarity. Humanity lives from the willingness to take a risk for other people. In miniatures on vulnerability, Hildegund Keul explores the surprising depths and abysses of human life. She light-footedly connects current political issues and social challenges with the core of the Christian faith. Wherever we sense our vulnerability, we can also especially experience the preciousness of life.

  • Existential topic
  • Takes up current questions with a competent and realistic approach


ISBN: 978-3-7867-3278-5
184 pages
Format 12 x 19 cm
EUR 19.00

The Author

© Andreas Kühlken

Hildegund Keul

Dr. Hildegund Keul leads the Office for Women’s Pastoral Care of the German Bishops’ Conference and is special professor for Fundamental Theology and Comparative Religion at the University of Würzburg, Germany.