Jesus the Jew and the Future of Christianity
The Rift Between Dogma and the Bible: A Proposed Solution
While the number of Christians in the southern hemisphere is increasing, the churches in the north are losing hundreds of thousands of their members. Norbert Reck assumes that the causes lie deeper than the effects of the various attempts at reform. Ever since the Enlightenment, there has been a deep rift between church doctrine (dogma) and critical studies of the Bible (exegesis), which has led to the deep-seated loss in the credibility of Christianity. Both liberal Bible criticism and dogmatic anti-modernism have either made Jesus' Jewishness invisible or even praised Jesus as the vanquisher of Judaism.
Norbert Reck proposes how the discovery of Jesus as a Jew can lead to a new future of Christianity.
- The current debate: Jesus the Jew and Christian Theology
- On the dispute of methods between exegesis and dogmatics
- Strong thesis that is easy to understand