Margit Eckholt

Moved by the Spirit

Walking Synodal Paths in the Footsteps of Jesus: Scripture Meditations

The synodal path of the German local Church is a spiritual process that seeks to open up new perspectives with regard to power and participation in the Church, the cooperation of laity and clergy, a fraternal and appreciative togetherness in the congregation and new approaches to ecclesiastical offices. These processes of renewal are anchored in the depth of the Holy Scripture; evangelisation and structural reform belong together. In this book, Margit Eckholt invites readers to engage with the scriptural texts in order to walk the synodal paths on their own with trust and courage – to be "moved by the spirit."

  • Written in a true-to-life and appealing way
  • Spiritual accompaniment to Church reforms
  • Well-known and dedicated author


ISBN: 978-3-7867-3277-8
232 pages
Format 14 x 22 cm
EUR 22.00

The Author

Margit Eckholt

Margit Eckholt, DTh, is a professor of Dogmatics with Fundamental Theology at the Institute for Catholic Theology at the University of Osnabrück.