Walter Cardinal Kasper

Renewal from the Source

Theology - Christology - Eucharist

According to Walter Cardinal Kasper, a response to the crisis of tradition in church Christianity requires more and different approaches than just superficial modernisations. It presents the basic question of how the Gospel of Jesus conveys the norm-setting origin of Christianity in Church history and opens up the future. This volume contains three new, previously unpublished essays on renewal from the origin, as well as the themes that moved the great German theologian throughout his life. He provides answers to these questions: What does it mean to practice theology in the Church? Who is Jesus the Christ for the believers? How do believers experience his presence in the celebration of the Eucharist?

  • New theological articles
  • Central themes for theology and faith
  • Perspectives of renewal


ISBN: 978-3-7867-3273-0
Hardcover with dust jacket
176 pages
Format 14 x 22 cm
EUR 24.00

Title in German

The Author

© Kardinal-Walter-Kasper-Stiftung Vallendar

Walter Kardinal Kasper

Walter Cardinal Kasper, born in 1933, doctorate and professor in dogmatic theology, 1989–1999 Bishop of the diocese Rottenburg-Stuttgart, 2001–2010 President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity.