Kurt Remele

"We All Do Better When We All Do Better"

The Ethical Rediscovery of the Common Good

The common good means that the individual's well-being and the condition of the communities and societies are interrelated. If my own life is to succeed, I depend on other people, on non-human living beings and intact ecosystems. "We all do better, when we all do better," according to the American political scientist and senator Paul Wellstone (1944–2002). Kurt Remele reflects on this short formula and turns it into the guiding principle for this book. Using concrete examples for practicing the common good, he presents a discussion about fundamentals of the common good in a way that is diverse, exciting and simultaneously has a solid ethical basis. This discussion ranges from social ethics and public theology to the current social crises such as immigration, COVID-19 and global warming to the question of what it is like to be a bat. And Kurt Remele guarantees: Even the latter question – like all of the others – will have a well-founded answer!

  • Current topic
  • High social relevance
  • Written in a catchy way

ISBN: 978-3-7867-3251-8
192 pages
Format 14 x 22 cm
EUR 20.00

The Author

© Suzy Stöckl

Kurt Remele

Kurt Remele, Dr. Theol.,is a Professor of Ethics and Social Thought at the School of Catholic Theology, University of Graz in Austria. He has held several guest professorships in the USA and England and is a Fellow of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics.