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Fear of Death
Hans Morschitzky Fear of Death Perceiving Existential Fears and Using Them as an Opportunity We all know: Everyone must die one day. Yet, death is largely a taboo topic. Most of us are afraid of dying and death. However, people with mental disorders such as a phobia suffer in particular from...
Lukas Niederberger Rituals Giving Structure to the Day, the Year and Life From morning to evening, from New Year's Day to New Year's Eve, from the cradle to the grave, we move from one transition to the next. We mark and celebrate significant turning points such as births, weddings and deaths with...
What We Gain When We Do Without
Christian Firus What We Gain When We Do Without In many areas of life, we sense that the next straw will break the camel's back – or has already done so. Yet, we cheerfully keep loading on more without ever saying "stop." But doing without what is superfluous and letting go of what is too much is...
The Wise Way to Handle Feelings
Heinz-Peter Röhr The Wise Way to Handle Feelings How to Overcome Loss of Control Being in control is a basic human need. This is the only way that we can feel safe. Losing control of our feelings or behaviour is unpleasant. This "happens" to some people more frequently than others, such as brooding...
Love With All Your Heart
Guy Bodenmann Love With All Your Heart Commitment – How to Keep Your Relationship Happy in the Long Run We all wish for true love. And those who have found it hope that it will last a lifetime. Yet, the high separation and divorce rates show that all too often, love disappears and the relationship...
Let Loose
Tom Diesbrock Let Loose The Clever Way to Handle Our Mind's Little Perfectionist Do you have (too) high expectations of yourself? Are you often afraid that your achievements are not good enough and that you should try even harder as a result? Do you occasionally hear your friends say that you need...
Stronger than the Pain
Josef Giger-Bütler Stronger than the Pain Living with Chronic Pain in a Self-Determined Way Chronic pain can turn people’s lives upside down and rob them of vitality, initiative and motivation. The well-known psychotherapist Josef Giger-Bütler describes the means and paths through which individuals...
That Beats Everything!
Lea Ackermann / Michael Albus That Beats Everything! A Conversation on the Burden and Pleasure of Growing Older This is a unique book about growing old: Lea Ackermann, nun and fighter for women's rights, and well-travelled journalist Michael Albus have a conversation about life: Which experiences...
When Relationships Make People Dependent
Udo Rauchfleisch When Relationships Make People Dependent A Guidebook "I can't live without you!" – A person who feels dependent in his or her relationship is tormented time and again by major fears and self-doubt. His or her partner is usually overwhelmed by the high expectations and also suffers...
No Sport Also Isn´t a Solution
Kerstin Friedrich No Sport Also Isn't a Solution The Ultimate Motivation Programme for Couch Potatoes All of us "actually" want to do more sport, feel more fit and have a healthier life. But we are often too comfortable in real life: The sofa and our favourite TV shows tempt us and there are just...