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How Did Jesus Want Eucharist?
Ansgar Wucherpfennig How Did Jesus Want Eucharist? A Look Back to the Future Israel already ate the bread of life on its way through the desert and raised its wine glass to its liberation in the Holy Land. At the Last Supper with his disciples, Jesus also thought more about life than death: for...
Tests of Courage
Gotthard Fuchs / Irene Leicht Tests of Courage Inspirations for a Self-Determined Life Courage is a precious commodity, especially in a time that many people experience as threatening. And courage has many faces. Gotthard Fuchs and Irene Leicht spell out various facets of this very important...
Heaven, Hell or Purgatory?
Frank Buskotte / Martin Splett Heaven, Hell or Purgatory? What Comes After Death? The age-old question about the afterlife arises as much today as it did in the past. Do purgatory and hell await us, as people feared in the Middle Ages? Or can we still hope for a place in heaven? Will we meet our...
Bringing Good News to the Poor
Franz Kamphaus Bringing Good News to the Poor Inspirations for the Year of St. Luke Franz Kamphaus, the long-time Bishop of Limburg, is a masterful preacher. He succeeds in unearthing something new from seemingly well-known biblical texts and making even thorny passages fruitful for surprising...
Praying without God
Niklaus Brantschen Praying without God The Search for a Spiritual Path Can a non-believer be a spiritual person? Is it still possible to pray in the so-called post-Christian era? Is the conventional formula of "praying means speaking to God" still valid in an age when God seems to be silent?...
Religion & Society
Religion & Society After Corona Reshaping Our Future Franz Alt Further details Retreat or Crusade? The Crisis of Christianity and the Danger of Fundamentalism Michael Blume Further details Breaking Through the Cycle of Failure So That Coming to Terms with Abuse Doesn't End Up at the Start Again...
Pro Pope Francis
Paul M. Zulehner / Tomáš Halík Pro Pope Francis Worldwide support from the People of the Church for Pope Francis and His Church Course He is a breath of fresh air for the Roman Catholic Church: the Bishop of Rome, for which the »Cardinals have gone to the ends of the earth to get one« as he said...
Kicks the Church Out of the Coma
Jacqueline Straub Kicks the Church Out of the Coma A Young Woman Demands Reforms Now For the most part, the Catholic Church doesn’t present itself as an image of flourishing life in Europe. Especially with the younger generation, it has great difficulty in finding a connection. The old church and...
What is Happiness? We Know Afterwards
Arnold Stadler What is Happiness? We Know Afterwards Picture of a Life Arnold Stadler’s texts, especially his novels, have an autobiographical background. Perhaps this is why they touch on the questions that concern every human being – above all, those about personal identity and its roots. What is...
Seek Peace
Stefan Vesper (ed.) Seek Peace People Talk About a Longing That Never Stops Outer and inner, social and personal peace is the basis on which life can thrive. Even if we have taken peace for granted during recent decades in our latitudes, the endangered, vulnerable and fleeting nature of this...