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God’s Presence in Judaism and Christianity: A Conversation

Henry G. Brandt / Walter Kardinal Kasper / Jörg Bremer God’s Presence in Judaism and Christianity: A Conversation Edited by Jörg Bremer The conversation between two witnesses of the century: Walter Kasper, German theologian and cardinal, spent many years as the head of the Vatican Commission of the...
Knowing More About Islam

Horst Graebe Knowing More About Islam For a Good Coexistence with Muslims The topics and texts of this volume have been developed over years in events of encounter and discussion. They answer the »genuine« questions as they arise in the daily coexistence of Muslims and the mainstream society....
Encountering the Infinite

Hermann-Josef Frisch Encountering the Infinite Lived faith in the world´s religions This luxuriously illustrated book explores and demonstrates how people from different religions specifically express their faith. Every religion has procedures, rituals and symbols. It´s all about religious...
Islam in Crisis

Michael Blume Islam in Crisis A world religion between radicalization and quiet retreat Islam seems confident of expanding. The opposite is the case. Religious scholar Michael Blume explains this scenario as a symptom of a deep worldwide crisis in Islam. Blume refers to massive secularization...
God´s First Name

Walter Kardinal Kasper / Mouhanad Khorchide God´s First Name An Islamic-Christian discussion about mercy With a preface by Annette Schavan In various publications and initiatives, Walter Kardinal Kasper has made »mercy« a central theme in theology and pastoral care. For Mouhanad Khorchide,...
As If He Was Listening

Karl-Josef Kuschel As If He Was Listening Rainer Maria Rilke's Dialogue with the Buddha Rainer Maria Rilke (1875–1926) left behind three Buddha poems. The poet sometimes worked as a secretary for the great French sculptor August Rodin. In the latter's garden, Rilke discovered a Buddha statue...
Children’s Books
Children’s Books Lotte and the Little Chemo Manikins Sonja Marschall Further details Liese and Böb When good and bad meet Soheyla Sadr Further details You Are Welcome! Baptismal Bible Martina Steinkühler Further details Henrietta Feels the Wind Jochen Weeber / Fariba Gholizadeh Further details...
Liese and Böb

Soheyla Sadr Liese and Böb When good and bad meet The good can´t do otherwise, it is just purely good. But it would like to learn how to be bad. For this reason it starts to search for someone who can teach him that. After a few nasty encounters it finally meets the bad! »Why do you want to learn...
You Are Welcome!

Martina Steinkühler You Are Welcome! Baptismal Bible With baptism, parents and godparents are making a promise to love, protect, and encourage their child – and they ask God’s blessing on that promise. In the course of the day and especially evenings before going to sleep there are plenty of...
Henrietta Feels the Wind

Jochen Weeber / Fariba Gholizadeh Henrietta Feels the Wind Henrietta has three favorite things in life: computer games, computer games, and computer games. Until one day a ball flies through her window, and as a result she meets Ollie, Paul, and Louise. They take Henrietta along to a fascinating...