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Patmos Verlag
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Verlag am Eschbach
Inspiration und Spiritualität Glück wünschen, Trost spenden, achtsam leben. Jeden Tag neu. Einfach auf sich selbst hören und kleine Geschenke im Alltag wahrnehmen. Einfach sich zwischen Himmel und Erde ausrichten. Einfach Augen und Ohren offenhalten und glücklich sein. Einfach der eigenen Sehnsucht...
Matthias Grünewald Verlag
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Memoir The Woman Beyond the Veil My Path into Salafism and Back Out Again Karoline Roscher-Lagzouli Further details Beautiful in a Different Way How I Learned to Love Myself Ilka Brühl Further details How to Build a Castle from Ruins The Story of How I Went Blind and Regained My Joy in Life Dörte...
My Everest
Andy Holzer My Everest Blind on Top of the World In May 2017, mountain climber Andy Holzer – who has been blind since birth – caused a sensation: He reached the summit of Mount Everest, which meant fulfilling his greatest dream. It’s a tremendous achievement for a man who can’t even walk out the...
Life Fog
Nora Marie Ellermeyer Life Fog How I Survived Burnout and Depression as a Psychotherapist Burnout and depression can affect anyone. The psychotherapist Nora Ellermayer is a woman of ac-tion. Studying, four children, building a house, training as a therapist, doctorate, founding a practice and a...
You Wake Up and Your Life is Gone
Max Rinneberg / Ulrich Beckers You Wake Up and Your Life is Gone The story of my memory loss The 17-year old Max Rinneberg lost his memory after he fell down the stairs. When he woke up in hospital, he didn´t recognize his parents and friends anymore. He even didn´t get anything out of his former...
Further Than the End
Flor Schmidt Further Than the End How Something New Began with the Death of My Son When her 17-year-old son dies in a traffic accident, Flor Schmidt realizes that the extremes of life are often unbelievably close to each other: Death, horror and pain on the one hand – grace, happiness and love on...
Murdered or
Brigitte Biermann Murdered or The Terror in My Marriage Andrea`s marriage is a disaster. Humiliation and violence are the order of the day. Her attempts to flee from her husband fail. He finds her everywhere, and she falls for his promises that he will change for the better. As the situation...
I Will Just Keep Texting
Susanne Preusker I Will Just Keep Texting Text messages of saying goodbye Gabi and Tine are best friends. When Tine is diagnosed with cancer and later moves into a hospice, they text each other heart wrenching, encouraging and sad messages. The fragmentary style of this exceptional correspondence...
Days Full of Life
Maria Hagenschneider Days Full of Life Our shared time in hospice What happens when someone moves into a hospice in order to die there? Maria Hagenschneider relates what happened when she moved into a hospice center with her mortally ill husband and lived there for a surprisingly long ten weeks,...
The Fight Goes On – So Women Can Live in Dignity
Lea Ackermann The Fight Goes On – So Women Can Live in Dignity How Something New Began with the Death of My Son »If Sister Lea Ackermann hadn’t ended up with the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa, she could have become a revolutionary or head of state. Her combination of a powerful sense of...
I, Birgit, Autist and Psychotherapist
Birgit Saalfrank I, Birgit, Autist and Psychotherapist Birgit Saalfrank is a psychotherapist. For years, she lived in various roles: competitive athlete, loving partner in a relationship, successful director of a psychosocial centre – until everything became too much for her. She became severely...
Lean Years
Nicole Knörr Lean Years How I overcame my eating disorder When Nicole Knörr was 13 years old she started eating less and less. With the progression of her anorexia, she only consumed 300ml of non-fat broth with which you cannot survive. When her body temperature fell to under 34° Celsius and she...
My Lion Cub
Elena Pirin My Lion Cub The Adventure of Raising a Child with a Handicap Leo is a wonderful little person. He does just fine, just not at the pace that development tests and school plans expect. When Elena Pirin and her husband adopted a baby, they didn't realize their child was developmentally...
The Great Departure
Sabine Mehne The Great Departure How I Lost the Fear of Death Through my near-death Experience Dying doesn't have to be a deadly serious thing. After Sabine Mehne had a near-death experience during her battle with cancer, the thought of death no longer makes her worry. On the contrary, she now...
The Street Collector
Peter Schmidt The Street Collector The Incredible Adventures of an Autistic World Traveler Travel is by nature unpredictable. And autistic people hate unpredictability. That makes it all the more surprising that Peter Schmidt, diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, wants to collect all the roads of...
Utterly Alone
Ann Helena Neudek Utterly Alone The Scars of my Childhood and How I Found my Way in Life »The beating had stopped. I cowered in the small tub. My mother sat in front of me and cried as she massaged her swollen hands.« For years, Ann Helena Neudek was beaten and humiliated by her parents. From the...
Zoe Means Life
Zoe Katharina Zoe Means Life I Risked 20 Years of Prison for Rescuing Hundreds of People at Sea - And Would Do It Again After passing her university-entrance exam and during her training as a boat builder, the 20-year-old Zoe joined the German Jugend rettet (Youth Rescues) organisation to save the...
Out of the Ordinary
Peter Schmidt Out of the Ordinary Practical Autism Information by Someone Who Knows About It There are many prejudices about autistic people, as conveyed by films like “Rain Man” that still shape the prevailing view of them to this day. But what is autism really and how can we better understand the...
Let’s Be Honest
Christina Hecke Let´s Be Honest My Glimpse Behind Our Lives The actress Christina Hecke impresses with her sensitive, caring and simultaneously intensive approach, which she also teaches by means of the Hecke Method: Truth in Acting. The background of this attitude is the conviction that we human...
I Used to be a Snazzy Bird, But Now I´m a Lame Duck
Sigrid Tschöpe-Scheffler I Used to be a Snazzy Bird, But Now I’m a Lame Duck My Old Mother, Her Eastern European Caregivers and I More than four million elderly people in need of care live in the German-speaking regions. In most cases, their sons and daughters assume responsibility and decide what...
How to Build a Castle from Ruins
Dörte Maack How to Build a Castle from Ruins The Story of How I Went Blind and Regained My Joy in Life Dörte Maack leads the life of a dazzling circus performer – until she is blindsided with the diagnosis of an incurable eye disease. She makes two plans: A: Not to become blind. B: If she does, she...
Beautiful in a Different Way
Ilka Brühl Beautiful in a Different Way How I Learned to Love Myself Ilka Brühl looks different. She was born with a facial cleft, which is a malformation of the nose, forehead and eyes. As a child, she was berated as a witch. As a young woman, she withdrew from the world and struggled with her...
The Woman Beyond the Veil
Karoline Roscher-Lagzouli The Woman Beyond the Veil My Path into Salafism and Back Out Again After growing up as an atheist, Karoline Roscher-Lagzouli converted to Islam in her twenties due to a lifelong fascination with Islam. For several years, she was part of a conservative Salafi community. In...
Parenting Education to Open-Mindedness Zoe´s Story Claus Koch Further details Wherever Children Are, God Is Already There Surprises and Discoveries in the Family Albert Biesinger Further details Accompaniment Into Life Religious Sensitivity Through Everyday Family Life Heike Helmchen-Menke Further...
Traumatized Children in Schools
Helga Kohler-Spiegel Traumatized Children in Schools Understand – support - stabilize Traumatization is not only the purview of children and young people who have experienced war and been refugees. The causes and experiences are many and varied, as are children’s reactions. Helga Kohler-Spiegel...
A Dad Is Not a Mom
Josephine Schwarz-Gerö A Dad Is Not a Mom What a Baby Needs from Its Father While the role of the new mother is clear, there are many questions on the part of the father. If we set aside the social demands and moralizing attitudes about what a father must achieve today and instead ask what a baby...
They Don`t Just Do Nothing: They Lie There and Grow
Elisabeth Raffauf They Don`t Just Do Nothing: They Lie There and Grow What Helps During Puberty All of us somehow survive it – puberty. And most of us have even turned into decent human beings. So why are we afraid that our pubescent children will never get their act together? Was it different for...
On Foot Through the Universe
Regina Groot Bramel On Foot Through the Universe Parents on the Move with a Little Human Being In lovingly written letters to a small child, Regina Groot Bramel encourages young parents to be self-confident and courageous, serene and joyful, confident and imaginative, realistic and loving towards...
How I Can Help My Child Gain Strong Self-esteem
Heinz-Peter Röhr How I Can Help My Child Gain Strong Self-esteem Only when children have strong self-esteem they can flourish. Disorders in the development of self-esteem often involve mental and behavioral problems. Many parents would like to help promote the development of self-esteem of their...
Raising Children with Less Stress
Felicitas Römer Raising Children with Less Stress Empathy instead of scolding Preschool-aged children insist on more and more freedom from their parents. But how should parents react when their kids won’t take no for an answer or have temper tantrums? Scolding and punishing don’t really help, and...
What Is That Monster Doing Under the Bed?
Monika Specht-Tomann What Is That Monster Doing Under the Bed? Understanding and overcoming children’s fears Fear of the dark, of saying goodbye, or difficulties in preschool or school – children live through many troubling experiences that they have to master in the course of their development....
Baby, Why Won't You Eat?
Josephine Schwarz-Gerö Baby, Why Won't You Eat? Understanding and Solving Eating Issues When a baby doesn’t want to eat or drink, turns away from feedings or cries at every meal, parents worry about the well-being of their child, and rightly so. Their desperate attempts to get their baby to eat,...
Accompaniment Into Life
Heike Helmchen-Menke Accompaniment Into Life Religious Sensitivity Through Everyday Family Life More attention is being paid once again to the idea that children’s personality development should also include contact with religion. Children already bring a religious openness with them: Even the...
Wherever Children Are, God Is Already There
Albert Biesinger Wherever Children Are, God Is Already There Surprises and Discoveries in the Family Perceiving and mutually experiencing God within their own family in everyday life gives children a good portion of basic trust for their lives. The coexistence of adults and children succeeds with...
Education to Open-Mindedness
Claus Koch Education to Open-Mindedness Zoe's Story According to Gerald Hüther, "this book by Claus Koch is the most unusual book in the entire field of upbringing and education in recent decades": It doesn't give any tips on how to raise children but uses the form of a novel to describe how a...
Self-Help Trusting the Future Again Mastering Losses with the Strength of a Lion Claudia Duwe Further details No Sport Also Isn´t a Solution The Ultimate Motivation Programme for Couch Potatoes Kerstin Friedrich Further details When Relationships Make People Dependent A Guidebook Udo Rauchfleisch...
For Bright Minds
Rita Steininger For Bright Minds Fitness for the brain We are exercising the whole body - but pay way too little attention to our mental fitness although the brain needs lifelong, regular stimuli, not only in old age! Rita Steininger shows that there are many varied possibilities to get the mind...
Light in the Night of the Soul
Martin Duda Light in the Night of the Soul How Reading Helps in Case of Depression Depression is a frequently recurring topic in literature. Unlike many scientists and medical practitioners, poets and writers have direct and holistic access to the shadow aspects of human experiences. Many works of...
The Secret of Slowness
Doris Bewernitz The Secret of Slowness On Dawdling, Dreaming and Being Brave When stress gets out of hand, you can literally run out of air. The number of tasks seems to increase from day to day and the to-do lists grow. People train their “functioning” throughout their entire lives, but stopping,...
Thinking Helps!
Katharina Ceming Thinking Helps! Philosophical impulses for today To think about yourself and what you are doing offers real advantages. Not only does it make you smarter, it also helps to navigate through the jungle which is called life. This book asks for all aspects of a successful life: How can...
Live Your Possibilities
Erich Schechner Live Your Possibilities Viktor Frankl and the development of human beings After the Second World War, Viktor Frankl, founder of logotherapy, moved into the limelight with his work »…Man's Search For Meaning: An Introduction to Logotherapy«. In this book, he describes his experiences...
Heaven and Hell
Burkhard Ciupka-Schön / Hartmut Becks Heaven and Hell Recognizing and Overcoming Religious Compulsions Religious compulsions frequently occur, but are not that easy to recognize. At which point is a pro-nounced faith pathological and when do religious commandments and rituals become straitjackets?...
The Long Shadow of Childhood
Christian Firus The Long Shadow of Childhood Overcoming Emotional Injuries and Traumas Emotional injuries and traumatic experiences in childhood can have an impact on a person`s entire life. Even if the suffering occurred long ago, feeling, thinking and actions can still be impaired. Christian...
In Tune with Yourself
Cornelia Dehner-Rau In Tune with Yourself Recognizing Your Own Needs and Taking Them Seriously Finding out what you really need is not that easy. And neither is meeting these needs. However, both belong to good self-care and therefore to a good life. The physical and emotional needs such as...
The Wounded Inner Child and Love
Barbara Röser / Udo Röser The Wounded Inner Child and Love How to Achieve Deep Closeness in Couple Relationships The first experiences that we have in childhood with our parents help to determine whether and how our own relationships succeed. If we lacked support, appreciation and love as a child,...
Self-Optimization Is Also Not the Solution
Christoph Augner Self-Optimization Is Also Not the Solution An End to Perfection Mania Faster, better and more efficient – more from life in less time. We live in the age of self-optimization: Apps take our body measurements and tell us how many steps we should walk or what we are allowed to eat....
Café Timeless
Rainer Haak Café Timeless A Tale about the Wings of the Soul This is a book about friendship, the power of dreams and the invisible forces that accompany us. In his mid-thirties, Michael is in a crisis: His girlfriend left him two years ago, and he no longer enjoys his job or sports. If it weren’t...
Grow in Love and Become Happy
Felicitas Römer Grow in Love and Become Happy Using Relationship Conflicts as an Opportunity Every couple argues – and this is also good since every conflict offers developmental opportunities for the individual partners and the couple. This approach also applies to conflicts that constantly recur,...
The Longing for the Next Click
Sabria David The Longing for the Next Click Media Resilience: How We Become Happy in a Digital World Social media and digital technologies have radically changed our life within a short time. But how can we help to shape this fundamental transformation in a self-determined way? Sabria David has...
Protecting and Strengthening Myself:
Josef Epp Protecting and Strengthening Myself: Suggestions and Exercises for Resilience in Everyday Life Private and professional stress, stressful situations in the family, at work and due to volunteer activities: This pushes many people to their limits. When tension becomes the dominant attitude...
Fear of Death
Hans Morschitzky Fear of Death Perceiving Existential Fears and Using Them as an Opportunity We all know: Everyone must die one day. Yet, death is largely a taboo topic. Most of us are afraid of dying and death. However, people with mental disorders such as a phobia suffer in particular from...
Lukas Niederberger Rituals Giving Structure to the Day, the Year and Life From morning to evening, from New Year's Day to New Year's Eve, from the cradle to the grave, we move from one transition to the next. We mark and celebrate significant turning points such as births, weddings and deaths with...
What We Gain When We Do Without
Christian Firus What We Gain When We Do Without In many areas of life, we sense that the next straw will break the camel's back – or has already done so. Yet, we cheerfully keep loading on more without ever saying "stop." But doing without what is superfluous and letting go of what is too much is...
The Wise Way to Handle Feelings
Heinz-Peter Röhr The Wise Way to Handle Feelings How to Overcome Loss of Control Being in control is a basic human need. This is the only way that we can feel safe. Losing control of our feelings or behaviour is unpleasant. This "happens" to some people more frequently than others, such as brooding...
Love With All Your Heart
Guy Bodenmann Love With All Your Heart Commitment – How to Keep Your Relationship Happy in the Long Run We all wish for true love. And those who have found it hope that it will last a lifetime. Yet, the high separation and divorce rates show that all too often, love disappears and the relationship...
Let Loose
Tom Diesbrock Let Loose The Clever Way to Handle Our Mind's Little Perfectionist Do you have (too) high expectations of yourself? Are you often afraid that your achievements are not good enough and that you should try even harder as a result? Do you occasionally hear your friends say that you need...
Stronger than the Pain
Josef Giger-Bütler Stronger than the Pain Living with Chronic Pain in a Self-Determined Way Chronic pain can turn people’s lives upside down and rob them of vitality, initiative and motivation. The well-known psychotherapist Josef Giger-Bütler describes the means and paths through which individuals...
That Beats Everything!
Lea Ackermann / Michael Albus That Beats Everything! A Conversation on the Burden and Pleasure of Growing Older This is a unique book about growing old: Lea Ackermann, nun and fighter for women's rights, and well-travelled journalist Michael Albus have a conversation about life: Which experiences...
When Relationships Make People Dependent
Udo Rauchfleisch When Relationships Make People Dependent A Guidebook "I can't live without you!" – A person who feels dependent in his or her relationship is tormented time and again by major fears and self-doubt. His or her partner is usually overwhelmed by the high expectations and also suffers...
No Sport Also Isn´t a Solution
Kerstin Friedrich No Sport Also Isn't a Solution The Ultimate Motivation Programme for Couch Potatoes All of us "actually" want to do more sport, feel more fit and have a healthier life. But we are often too comfortable in real life: The sofa and our favourite TV shows tempt us and there are just...
Trusting the Future Again
Claudia Duwe Trusting the Future Again Mastering Losses with the Strength of a Lion "Lion Times" is what Claudia Duwe calls the crisis phases in which we suffered from losses and the rug is pulled out from under our feet. But Lion Times are also the times in which the lion appears from the depths...
Analytical Psychology
Analytical Psychology Trust Requires Courage What Solidarity Gives Us Verena Kast Further details Discovering the Inner World Current Horizons of Depth Psychology Ingrid Riedel Further details Access to Liveliness Interest and Boredom as Creative Forces Verena Kast Further details The Secret of the...