Martina Kreidler-Kos / Niklaus Kuster

Brother Fire and Sister Light

Francis and Clare of Assisi: Two Life Stories in a Dialogue

Francis and Clare of Assisi gave Christian spirituality impulses that are still strong today. Written by a Francis researcher and a Clare researcher, this double biography takes us to the lives of a woman and a man from the 13th century. They were devoted to each other, risked a courageous awakening and drew the strength for it from their friendship. Independent of each other, both of them made a life decision that led them "into the footsteps of Jesus": Clare entered into convent life and Francis joined a brotherhood of itinerant priests. Yet, both paths in life remained inseparably linked: Clare would not have been able to follow her courageous path without male allies. On the other hand, Francis surprised people with a feminine-oriented spirituality.

Both the medieval world and the inner paths of the two are illuminated by this narrative. The book incorporates all sources and international specialised literature about both of these saints to bring their stories into a historically reliable, spiritually encouraging and entertainingly readable synopsis. Appendices such as a dictionary of persons, genealogical tables, source notes and annotations provide additional practical value.

  • Narrative form
  • Historically reliable
  • Latest state of research

ISBN: 978-3-8436-1301-9
376 pages
Format 16,5 x 24 cm
EUR 29.00

The Authors

© Andreas Kühlken

Martina Kreidler-Kos

Dr. Martina Kreidler-Kos, theologian, is Director of the Department of Pastoral Care in the Diocese of Osnabrück, Germany. She was previously the expert advisor for Pastoral Care for Marriage and Families, as well as a lecturer in the area of spirituality at the Philosophical-Theological University of Münster. The author of many books is married and the mother of four children.

© George Francis Xavier

Niklaus Kuster

Dr. Niklaus Kuster, a Capuchin friar in Olten near Basel, Switzerland, teaches Spirituality, Franciscan History and Church History at the University of Lucerne, as well as at religious order colleges in Münster and Madrid. He accompanies retreats and trips "with depth and breadth" and also works as a journalist. His diverse "years of apprenticeship and travel" led him into Zurich's drug work, as well as a meditation monastery, and to Rome and Assisi.